KSCW Legal Counsel with Charley O’Hara of O’Hara & O’Hara – Wednesday June 15, 2016 – Wichita, Kansas Lawyer & Attorney. Charley O’Hara Wichita Defense Attorney answers questions concerning a non violent felony expungement, if you have a non violent felony expunged can you own a gun, owing a gun with a felony, gun ownership with non violent felony, firearm background check, owning a gun with a felony law, Kansas Gun Law, aiding a felony, aiding a shooting and coercion law.
O'Hara & O'Hara Law Offices
Wichita Defense Lawyer – Charley O’Hara – June 8, 2016
KSCW Legal Counsel with Charley O’Hara of O’Hara & O’Hara – Wednesday June 8, 2016 – Wichita, Kansas Lawyer & Attorney. Charley O’Hara Wichita Defense Attorney answers questions concerning if title loans are legal, what is a loan shark, title loan vs bank loan, are title loan scams, are payday loan scams, how to get a will, getting a will from trust, finding a will, filling a will with the court and interpreting a will.
Wichita Defense Attorney – Charley O’Hara – June 1, 2016
KSCW Legal Counsel with Charley O’Hara of O’Hara & O’Hara – Wednesday June 1, 2016 – Wichita, Kansas Lawyer & Attorney. Charley O’Hara Wichita Defense Attorney answers questions concerning the Kansas Legislator School funding issues, Kansas Education funding problems, Kansas Supreme Court School Funding problems, Wichita Walmart purse stolen, Wichita Walmart robbery prevented by citizens arrest, Wichita Walmart robbery stopped by conceal and carry and Kansas Conceal and Carry Law.
Wichita Defense Lawyer – Charley O’Hara – May 18, 2016
KSCW Legal Counsel with Charley O’Hara of O’Hara & O’Hara – Wednesday May 18, 2016 – Wichita, Kansas Lawyer & Attorney. Charley O’Hara Wichita Defense Attorney answers questions concerning an attempted first degree murder, aggravated battery vs attempted murder, aggravated battery, simple battery, premeditated murder case, Derby Kansas attempted murder case with golf club, Augusta Kansas High School Graduation gun accident, Kansas conceal and carry law, Kansas conceal and carry rules and a apartment lease dispute.
Wichita Defense Attorney – Charley O’Hara – May 11, 2016
KSCW Legal Counsel with Charley O’Hara of O’Hara & O’Hara – Wednesday May 11, 2016 – Wichita, Kansas Lawyer & Attorney. Charley O’Hara Wichita Defense Attorney answers questions concerning Kansas Gun Rules, Newton Kansas School Bus Shooting, Kansas Gun Laws, Kansas Gun Crimes, Kansas juvenile court, Social Media used in court, Social Media used in court case, subpoenaed text records, subpoenaed phone records and subpoenaing social media records.
Wichita Defense Lawyer – Charley O’Hara – May 4, 2016
KSCW Legal Counsel with Charley O’Hara of O’Hara & O’Hara – Wednesday May 4, 2016 – Wichita, Kansas Lawyer & Attorney. Charley O’Hara Wichita Defense Attorney answers questions concerning a car accident injury case, contingency case, contingent fee, statute of limitations in Kansas, judgement to collect money and renters eviction.