KSCW Legal Counsel with Charley O’Hara of O’Hara & O’Hara – Wednesday April 1, 2015 – Wichita, Kansas Lawyer & Attorney. Charley O’Hara Wichita Defense Attorney answers questions concerning the kansas supreme court, carr brothers murder trial, kansas death penalty, kansas death row, level 9 felony, unlawful possession, kansas gun laws, kansas conceal and carry and can a convicted felon own a gun.
Charley O'Hara
Wichita Criminal Attorney – Charley O’Hara – Mar. 11, 2015
KSCW Legal Counsel with Charley O’Hara of O’Hara & O’Hara – Wednesday March 11, 2015 – Wichita, Kansas Lawyer & Attorney. Charley O’Hara Wichita Defense Attorney answers questions concerning a family member with a sexual offense, sexual assault, sexual battery, sex offender list, sex registration offender, sex offender required to register, sexual offense registry, elder laws, care giver taking advantage, younger person taking advantage of older person and power of attorney.
Wichita Defense Lawyer – Charley O’Hara – Feb. 25, 2015
KSCW Legal Counsel with Charley O’Hara of O’Hara & O’Hara – Wednesday February 25, 2015 – Wichita, Kansas Lawyer & Attorney. Charley O’Hara Wichita Defense Attorney answers questions concerning a company that went out of business and did not receive product, district attorney of consumer affairs, report to consumer affairs, report to better business bureau, appeal trial and getting a fair jury.
Wichita Defense Lawyer – Charley O’Hara – Mar. 4, 2015
KSCW Legal Counsel with Charley O’Hara of O’Hara & O’Hara – Wednesday March 4, 2015 – Wichita, Kansas Lawyer & Attorney. Charley O’Hara Wichita Defense Attorney answers questions concerning temporary custody, power of attorney form, temporary custody revoke, revoke power of attorney, guardianship form, temporary custody of child, revoke guardianship, medical malpractice, statute of limitations for medical malpractice, cause of action and the time to file for malpractice.
Wichita Criminal Attorney – Charley O’Hara – Feb. 18, 2015
KSCW Legal Counsel with Charley O’Hara of O’Hara & O’Hara – Wednesday February 18, 2015 – Wichita, Kansas Lawyer & Attorney. Charley O’Hara Wichita Defense Attorney answers questions concerning personal property tax, bill collector, bill collecting agency, who pays the bills, do you owe bills in spouses name and a death in the family bills.
Wichita Defense Lawyer – Charley O’Hara – Feb. 11, 2015
KSCW Legal Counsel with Charley O’Hara of O’Hara & O’Hara – Wednesday February 11, 2015 – Wichita, Kansas Lawyer & Attorney. Charley O’Hara Wichita Defense Attorney answers questions concerning the american sniper trial, Chris Kyle trial, location fair trial, post traumatic stress disorder trial, jury preconceived notions, post traumatic stress disorder viable defense, notice to go to court, served to get child support, child custody case and witness continuance.