KSCW Legal Counsel with Charley O’Hara of O’Hara & O’Hara – Wednesday September 30, 2015 – Wichita, Kansas Lawyer & Attorney. Charley O’Hara Wichita Defense Attorney answers questions concerning a eviction court process, 3 day eviction notice, 30 day court eviction process, proper law notice, legal action for assault, wichita civil action case, wichita criminal act, wichita torture case, wichita teenage boy tortured and a wichita hate crime.
Charley O'Hara
Wichita Defense Lawyer – Charley O’Hara – September 23, 2015
KSCW Legal Counsel with Charley O’Hara of O’Hara & O’Hara – Wednesday September 23, 2015 – Wichita, Kansas Lawyer & Attorney. Charley O’Hara Wichita Defense Attorney answers questions concerning a Wichita rape victim released, rape victim release notification, violating parole, reasons why a lawyer takes a case and lawyer percentage of case to represent.
Wichita Criminal Lawyer – Charley O’Hara – September 16, 2015
KSCW Legal Counsel with Charley O’Hara of O’Hara & O’Hara – Wednesday September 16, 2015 – Wichita, Kansas Lawyer & Attorney. Charley O’Hara Wichita Defense Attorney answers questions concerning if it’s legal for ex-husband to ban wife, spouse banning ex from a public place, football players attacks referee lawsuit, football player assults player with helmet, football criminal case, legal risks of playing football and medical corrective surgery lawsuit.
Wichita Defense Lawyer – Charley O’Hara – September 9, 2015
KSCW Legal Counsel with Charley O’Hara of O’Hara & O’Hara – Wednesday September 9, 2015 – Wichita, Kansas Lawyer & Attorney. Charley O’Hara Wichita Defense Attorney answers questions concerning an apartment renter not allowed to have emotional support animal, denied support animal, enforcing home owners association rules, can home owners associations take you to court, what can a home owners association do legally to enforce its covenants, HOA lean against house, car wreck pain and suffering and a prior existing condition worsened after car wreck.
Wichita Criminal Lawyer – Charley O’Hara – September 2, 2015
KSCW Legal Counsel with Charley O’Hara of O’Hara & O’Hara – Wednesday September 2, 2015 – Wichita, Kansas Lawyer & Attorney. Charley O’Hara Wichita Defense Attorney answers questions concerning who is responsible for debt after death, Children Liable of Parents Debt, Power of Attorney, Parents Debt Responsibility, Suing a City, Suing the Government, Wichita Police Lawsuit and Wichita Police Shooting Death Lawsuit.
Wichita Defense Lawyer – Charley O’Hara – August 26, 2015
KSCW Legal Counsel with Charley O’Hara of O’Hara & O’Hara – Wednesday August 26, 2015 – Wichita, Kansas Lawyer & Attorney. Charley O’Hara Wichita Defense Attorney answers questions concerning a Contract not Notarized, Binding Contract, Enforcing a contract not notarized, Notary Process, Legally Binding Contract, Filing a Will, Do you have to file a will with court house, Valid Kansas Will and Wichita Probate Court.