KSCW Legal Counsel with Charley O’Hara of O’Hara & O’Hara – Wednesday August 17, 2016 – Wichita, Kansas Lawyer & Attorney. Charley O’Hara Wichita Defense Attorney answers questions concerning who has the rights to make the decision for elderly parent, decision to move parent to a care home, bullying, legal action to protect child, criminal threat, legal action against bullying, child threatened at school and cyber bullying.
Wichita Defense Lawyer – Charley O’Hara – August 10, 2016
KSCW Legal Counsel with Charley O’Hara of O’Hara & O’Hara – Wednesday August 10, 2016 – Wichita, Kansas Lawyer & Attorney. Charley O’Hara Wichita Defense Attorney answers questions concerning drawing up a will in Kansas, can you write your own will in the state of Kansas, reasonable priced lawyer, Kansas grandparent rights, Kansas divorce lawyer, grandparents visitation rights in Kansas, Kansas Child Support and can you see your kid if you don’t pay child support.
Wichita Defense Lawyer – Charley O’Hara – August 3, 2016
KSCW Legal Counsel with Charley O’Hara of O’Hara & O’Hara – Wednesday July 5, 2016 – Wichita, Kansas Lawyer & Attorney. Charley O’Hara Wichita Defense Attorney answers questions concerning money taken out of social security account, contract to withdraw from bank account, authorization to debit bank account, attorney to look over a contract, Kansas Judge Election Process, Sedgwick Count Judge Election and electing a Wichita Judge.
Wichita Defense Attorney – Charley O’Hara – July 20, 2016
KSCW Legal Counsel with Charley O’Hara of O’Hara & O’Hara – Wednesday July 20, 2016 – Wichita, Kansas Lawyer & Attorney. Charley O’Hara Wichita Defense Attorney answers questions concerning police shootings, facts and evidence in a case, due process, criminal charges, determining a charge, probably cause, argument at trial, prosecutor ethical duty and facts to support the theory under the law.
Wichita Defense Lawyer – Charley O’Hara – July 6, 2016
KSCW Legal Counsel with Charley O’Hara of O’Hara & O’Hara – Wednesday July 5, 2016 – Wichita, Kansas Lawyer & Attorney. Charley O’Hara Wichita Defense Attorney answers questions concerning crimes recorded on video, live witnesses, crimes recorded on cell phones, editing a crime video, posting a crime video, crimes recorded by body cameras, jurors without preconceived notions and how to authentic a crime video.
Wichita Defense Attorney – Charley O’Hara – June 29, 2016
KSCW Legal Counsel with Charley O’Hara of O’Hara & O’Hara – Wednesday June 29, 2016 – Wichita, Kansas Lawyer & Attorney. Charley O’Hara Wichita Defense Attorney answers questions concerning what constitutes a class action lawsuit, class action lawsuit cost, suing class action, property left in will and an oil company wanting to drill on land.